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HPC@LSU invites you to attend our weekly training scheduled every Wednesdays, except university holidays.

The training sessions are subject to cancellation due to lack of registrations, so please register if you plan on attending. Registration closes in the afternoon on the day prior to the training.

Click on the tutorial topic to obtain more information and registration details. Remote connect links to attend the training will be provided via email to all registered participants.

Note: The Slide and Support Materials links are placeholders until content is added after the tutorial.

Spring 2025 Training Schedule

1. January 22,2025: Introduction to Linux

TopicIntroduction to Linux
DateJanuary 22,2025
Time9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
PlaceZoom Online
DescriptionThis tutorial provides beginner and intermediate users with basic Linux/Unix command line environment experience. Topics covered in this class include navigating through the system, useful commands, editors (vi and emacs) and basic shell scripting. If you have no previous experience with shell scripting and using editors such as emacs and vi, this course is a prerequisite for the tutorials on User Environment and Shell Scripting.

  • Laptop with
    • Linux (any flavor) installed
    • Unix based OS such Mac OSX/BSD
  • OR
    • LONI or LSU HPC account
    • SSH client such as MobaXterm for Windows

RegistrationClick here

2. January 29,2025: HPC User Environment 1

TopicHPC User Environment 1
DateJanuary 29,2025
Time9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
PlaceZoom Online
DescriptionThis training provides an overview of the HPC/LONI general account and allocation policies, general cluster architecture and HPC hardware and software environment.

  • LONI or LSU HPC account
  • Familiarity with Linux/Unix
  • Editors such as vi or emacs
  • SSH client such as Putty for Windows

RegistrationClick here

3. February 5,2025: HPC User Environment 2

TopicHPC User Environment 2
DateFebruary 5,2025
Time9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
PlaceZoom Online
DescriptionThis training provides an overview of the HPC hardware and software environment, queuing system, compiling programs, writing submit scripts, running and monitoring jobs on HPC systems.

  • LONI or LSU HPC account
  • Familiarity with Linux/Unix
  • Editors such as vi or emacs
  • SSH client such as MobaXterm for Windows

RegistrationClick here

4. February 12,2025: Basic Shell Scripting

TopicBasic Shell Scripting
DateFebruary 12,2025
Time9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
PlaceZoom Online
DescriptionFor anyone who works in a Linux/Unix environment, a working knowledge of shell scripting is essential and will boost their efficiency and productivity tremendously. For this tutorial, we will focus on bash as it is one of the most popular shells. This tutorial will include topics such as creating simple bash scripts, flow control, command line arguments, regex, grep, awk and sed. This is a practical tutorial, so we will provide examples and/or hands-on exercises for most of the covered materials.

  • LONI or LSU HPC account
  • Familiarity with Linux/Unix
  • Editors such as vi or emacs
  • SSH client such as Putty for Windows

RegistrationClick here

HPC Training Survey

We value your feedback, and will use your feedback to help improve our HPC training offerings. Please complete a short survey at the end of each training using this link.

Past Tutorials

We offer many tutorial sessions for our users both on campus and online. The training topics include but are not limited to:

  • Introduction to Linux
  • HPC user environment
  • Version control with git
  • Pythong and R programming
  • Deep learning basics
  • Parallel programming

To read descriptions or access PDF's of the slides from past tutorials Past Tutorials.