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Versions and Availability

About the Software

BBCP is an alternative to Gridftp when transferring large amounts of data, capable of breaking up your transfer into multiple simultaneous transferring streams, thereby transferring data much faster than single-streaming utilities such as SCP and SFTP. - Homepage:


The basic syntax for using the command is:

$ bbcp [opt] user@source:/path/to/data user@destination:/path/to/store/data

Possible options include:

-P 2
Give a progress report every 2 seconds
-w 2M
TCP window size of 2MBytes
-s 16
Set the number of streams to 16 (default is 4)

Other options may be necessary if bbcp is not installed in a regular location on either end of the transfer. This can lead to rather complex command lines:

$ bbcp -z -T \
  "ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no %I -l %U %H /home/user/Custom/bin/bbcp" \
  foobar-5.4.14.tbz "ruser@"


Last modified: September 10 2020 11:58:50.