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Versions and Availability

About the Software

Description Path: key[@id="piny"]/whatis Not Found!


Usage requires invoking the PINY_MD command and providing it with the name of an input file as an argument. Generically, it looks like:

    $ piny_md_machine sim_input

To find the name assigned to the executable, use the soft-dbq to examine the softenv key used for PINY. It will give the path to executable. For instance:

$ soft-dbq +piny-md-intel-11.1-mvapich-1.1
This is all the information associated with
the key or macro +piny-md-intel-11.1-mvapich-1.1.


Name: +piny-md-intel-11.1-mvapich-1.1
Description: @types: Applications @name: piny-md @version: Aug 30,
2005 @build: mvapich-1.1-intel-10.1 @about: PINY_MD(c) is a
multipurpose, object-oriented molecular simulation package developed
as a collaborative effort between Indiana University, New York
University and the University of Pennsylvania.
Flags: none
Groups: none
Exists on: Linux


On the Linux architecture,
the following will be done to the environment:

  The following environment changes will be made:
    PATH = ${PATH}:/usr/local/packages/piny-md/intel-11.1-mvapich-1.1/bin
$ ls /usr/local/packages/piny-md/intel-11.1-mvapich-1.1/bin

This shows the path to PINY_MD and the existance of a single executable name piny_md_par. The _par indicates it is a parallel build, and the key name shows it was built with mvapich 1.1.

Setting up a simulation is the hard part of using the program. For guidance there, please refer to the Resources below.

▶ QSub FAQ?

Portable Batch System: qsub


All HPC@LSU clusters use the Portable Batch System (PBS) for production processing. Jobs are submitted to PBS using the qsub command. A PBS job file is basically a shell script which also contains directives for PBS.

$ qsub job_script

Where job_script is the name of the file containing the script.

PBS Directives

PBS directives take the form:

#PBS -X value

Where X is one of many single letter options, and value is the desired setting. All PBS directives must appear before any active shell statement.

Example Job Script
 # Use "workq" as the job queue, and specify the allocation code.
 #PBS -q workq
 #PBS -A your_allocation_code
 # Assuming you want to run 16 processes, and each node supports 4 processes, 
 # you need to ask for a total of 4 nodes. The number of processes per node 
 # will vary from machine to machine, so double-check that your have the right 
 # values before submitting the job.
 #PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=4
 # Set the maximum wall-clock time. In this case, 10 minutes.
 #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
 # Specify the name of a file which will receive all standard output,
 # and merge standard error with standard output.
 #PBS -o /scratch/myName/parallel/output
 #PBS -j oe
 # Give the job a name so it can be easily tracked with qstat.
 #PBS -N MyParJob
 # That is it for PBS instructions. The rest of the file is a shell script.
 #   1. Copy the necessary files from your home directory to your scratch directory.
 #   2. Execute in your scratch directory.
 #   3. Copy any necessary files back to your home directory.

 # Let's mark the time things get started.


 # Set some handy environment variables.

 export HOME_DIR=/home/$USER/parallel
 export WORK_DIR=/scratch/myName/parallel
 # Set a variable that will be used to tell MPI how many processes will be run.
 # This makes sure MPI gets the same information provided to PBS above.

 export NPROCS=`wc -l $PBS_NODEFILE |gawk '//{print $1}'`

 # Copy the files, jump to WORK_DIR, and execute! The program is named "hydro".

 cp $HOME_DIR/hydro $WORK_DIR
 mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NPROCS $WORK_DIR/hydro

 # Mark the time processing ends.

 # And we're out'a here!

 exit 0


Last modified: September 10 2020 11:58:50.