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Versions and Availability

About the Software

TotalView is a GUI-based source code defect analysis tool that gives you unprecedented control over processes and thread execution and visibility into program state and variables. It's available to LSU users only. - Homepage:


  • Compile programs with debugging enabled and optimizations turned off: -O0 -g
  • Request an interactive session, for example:
  • $ qsub -I -X -V -l walltime=4:00:00,nodes=2:ppn=8 -A allocation -q checkpt
  • Run a serial application with totalview
  • Run an MPI application by adding the switch -tv to the command line. For example:
  • $ mpirun_rsh -tv -np  -hostfile  

Here is a list of some commonly used command line options:

Pass all subsequent arguments (specified by ) to your program. This option must be the last one on the command line.
(Default) Catches the fork(), vfork(), and execve() system calls if your executable is linked with the dbfork library.
Tells TotalView to immediately execute the CLI commands named within this argument. All information you enter here is sent directly to the CLI's Tcl interpreter. More than one -e option is allowed per line. For example, the following writes a string to stdout:
cli -e 'puts hello'
-patch_area_base address
Allocates the patch space dynamically at the given address. See "Allocating Patch Space for Compiled Expressions " in Chapter 14 of the TotalView Users Guide.
-patch_area_length length
Sets the length of the dynamically allocated patch space to the specified length. See "Allocating Patch Space for Compiled Expressions" in the TotalView Users Guide.
Tells TotalView to attach to process after it starts executing.
Debugs an executable that is not running on the same machine as TotalView. For more information on the autolaunch feature, see "Setting Single Process Server Launch" in the TotalView Users Guide.
Same as -remote.
Specifies the path name of a startup file that will be loaded and executed.


Last modified: September 10 2020 11:58:50.